
TACC collaborates with organizations to increase awareness of HPC for innovation and competitiveness

DellXL Consortium

Dell XL is a self-sustained consortium of computing centers that deploy large-scale Dell systems. With the participation of Dell and Dell partners, the consortium members meet twice per year to exchange technology information and cooperate on projects to enhance the scalability of cluster computing. While the membership is for centers with large scale Dell systems, centers of all sizes can benefit from the proceedings of the Dell XL meetings and the collaborations within the working groups.

For more information, email Melyssa Fratkin.

Texas Digital Library (TDL)

TDL is a consortium of libraries that work together to support greater access to the riches of Texas academic institutions. TACC provides the data storage and serves as one node of the TDL Preservation Network (PresNet). The PresNet, which is still in the early stages of development, also includes data storage nodes at Texas A&M, the UT Austin Data Center, and Texas Tech. TDL currently stores approximately 8.5 terabytes of data at TACC from the Cervantes collection at Texas A&M University.

More about Texas Digital Library

Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation (CASC)

TACC is a member of CASC, an organization of more than 100 member institutions representing many of the nation's most forward-thinking universities, medical institutions, and computing centers. CASC is dedicated to advocating the use of the most advanced computing technologies to accelerate scientific discovery for national competitiveness, global security, and economic success, as well as develop a diverse and well-prepared 21st century workforce.

More about CASC

Intel Xeon Phi User Group (IXPUG)

The Intel Xeon Phi User's Group (IXPUG) is a place for users and potential users of the Intel Xeon Phi Co-Processor to gather to exchange best practices, share success stories and challenges, and ask questions of colleagues working on similar codes. The group is a focal point for new users to see their colleagues success, and promote additional adoption of Phi in the open science community.

More about IXPUG